An innovative process for imaging cancer using Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT)


Professor Richard Bayford, the Team Leader, is an international pioneer at the forefront of the development of Electric Impedance Tomography (EIT) which he is already using to image and monitor neonatal lung function. This is a special imaging technique with many advantages which we list below. It involves placing a series of electrodes on the body surface and analyzing the minute currents that flow between them to reveal abnormal cell structures such as tumours.

EIT equipment like this experimental 16-channel device is inexpensive and highly portable. It fits easily onto a desktop and so can be used for bedside monitoring and only needs a laptop computer in addition to the basic equipment.

Gold Nanoparticle (gnp) Technology

The non-toxic nanoparticles have a gold core of approximately 3 nm diameter and can be coated with several different effector molecules. They are so small that roughly 3 million add up to 1 cm!

  1. Coating with effectors which are ligands for the tumour cell surface (see Figure) enable the gnp to act as ‘hunters’ to selectively seek out and target the tumour and its secondary growths.
  2. The gnp will enter the tumour cell and deliver a cytotoxic drug avoiding the debilitating side-effects of administration of the free drug during chemotherapy.

Missing Breast Cancer Targetting Image

Gold nanoparticles enhance EIT imaging and deliver therapy

The tumour heavily infiltrated by the gnp is now more accurately imaged by EIT.

GNP Logo

These are the first EIT images enhanced by gold nanoparticles, the particles in gel are placed in the centre of the object in the left-hand image; the right-hand image was produced without the particles being present.

In addition to delivering cytotoxic drugs to the tumour cells, heating the gnp by an external field can destroy the tumour cells.

We expect several beneficial outcomes of this project:


Richard Bayford Professor of Biomodelling & Bioinformatics
Ray Iles Associate Dean Research, Professor of Biomedical Sciences
Ivan Roitt Hon. Director
Andrew Tizzard Reader in Bio-Engineering
Bali Rooprai Reader in Scientific Basis of Complementary Medicine
Lucy Ghali Senior Lecturer in Molecular & Cellular Biology
Torben Lund Senior Research Fellow in Cell Biology
Martina Callaghan Senior Research Fellow in Physics
Parham Hashemzadeh Senior Research Fellow in Mathematical Engineering
Vijay Sahota Research Fellow in e-Science
Kerry Chester Immunology Consultant (University College London)
Richard Longman Consultant, Colorectal Surgery (Bristol)
Angus Dalgleish Consultant Oncologist (St. George’s Hosp.Med.Schl.)
Tom Rademacher C.E.O. Midatech Ltd.
Panos Liatsis Reader in Sensor Systems (City University)
Andreas Demosthenous Reader in Analogue & Biomedical Electronics (U.C.L.)
Mark Ryan Lecturer in Clinical Physiology (Royal Free Med.Schl., U.C.L.)