28th - Wed 29th October 2014
University, London
are invited to participate in a
two-day workshop on
eHealth/mHealth jointly
organised by Middlesex
University(UK), The University
of Miami (USA) and The
Castlegate Consultancy (UK).
Special guest speakers
Professor Kenneth Goodman,
Professor of Medicine at
The University of Miami and past
chair of the Ethics Committee of
the American Medical Informatics
Association and director of his
institution's WHO Collaborating
Center in Ethics and Health
Jos Dumortier, Professor
of Law, founder and first
Director of the
Interdisciplinary Centre for Law
and Information Technology at
the University of Leuven,
Belgium. He has worked on
numerous EU projects on eHealth
and is an international expert
on data protection law.
Dr. Emyr Wyn Jones,
DM FRCP, Consultant
Physician, Clinical Ambassador
- National Implementation,
Summary Care Records Service,
Health and Social Care
Information Centre, UK.
The workshop is free for
all attendees, but you are
expected fund your own
transportation and
accommodation costs. You
will need to confim your
attendance via the confirmation
Middlesex University, Committee
Room 2, Town Hall, The Burroughs
Hendon, NW4 4BT. See travel
information below.
use of information and
communication technologies (ICT)
in healthcare (eHealth)
continues to bring challenges
and raise concerns, especially
due to continuous advances in
technology. These advances
provide new capabilities, for
example, in providing healthcare
(via mHealth, telemedicine),
data storage (through electronic
medical records, cloud
computing), data sharing
(locally, nationally and across
borders) and data analysis
(based on big data analytics).
Policy makers and businesses
continue to seek ways to use
technology in healthcare to
provide benefits to various
stakeholders including patients,
healthcare professionals,
governments and business
ventures. Among other European
ventures, a new European Union
(EU) healthcare landscape is
being developed where the use of
interoperable electronic health
records and electronic
prescriptions will allow EU
citizens to access health care
across the EU. Internationally,
the EU and the United States of
America have recently embarked
on an eHealth Cooperative
Initiative (involving both
public and private-sector
entities) to develop, deploy and
use eHealth science and
technology “to empower
individuals, support care,
improve clinical outcomes,
enhance patient safety and
improve the health of
populations”. These and
other developments in eHealth offer
challenges and concerns that
span the three domains of
legal, ethical and social
issues. Some of these relate
to: data privacy, security and
integrity; secondary use of
data; informed consent;
jurisdiction; medical
liability; ICT governance;
public health challenges; and
the status of patients’
rights, among others. In light
of the importance of
healthcare to society, it is
necessary to identify and
discuss some of the challenges
and concerns raised by
eHealth, in other to find
suitable ways of addressing
them, and to positively
influence the development of
eHealth in the future.
As with our
previous workshops, the format
will include invited speakers,
working sessions and panels.
Topics covered
by this workshop, in relation to
the legal,
ethical and social challenges
relevant to eHealth include
(but not limited to):
·Best practices
·Big data and open
·Health care
providers and professionals (e.g.
liability, business models)
·Personal health
records and electronic health
·Public health
·Security (e.g.
data storage, access, exchange,
for papers
Short 1-2 page position
papers (maximum of 1,000 words) on
these subjects are welcomed. The
papers can and should relate
particularly to research being
undertaken and applications being
developed or more specifically
deployed in a variety of
jurisdictions: e.g., in the United
Kingdom, European Member States,
Canada or the United States of
America. Use The Cambridge Quarterly
of Healthcare Ethics' format
for your paper: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=CQH.
It is anticipated that
the most interesting and striking
papers will be selected for
development into full papers for The Cambridge Quarterly
of Healthcare Ethics’ new
section on bioethics and health
information technology http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=CQH.
Submissions should be
sent to:info[at]thecastlegateconsultancy.com
Submission of position
paper: Tuesday 30th September,
Notification of
acceptance of position paper: Friday
A workshop programme will be
published by the end of September
2014 (after acceptance of position
Hotels in Hendon
Click here
for a list of suitable hotels in
Hendon, close to Middlesex
University. We suggest staying
at Hendon
Hall subject to
your budget.
Organisers/Committee Dr.
Carlisle George -Associate Professor,
Middlesex University, Barrister. Ms. Diane
Whitehouse -eHealth
Castlegate Consultancy), Chair -
IFIP Technical Committee 9 and
IFIP WG9.2 Prof Kenneth Goodman
- Professor, University of
Miami, USA. Dr. Penny Duquenoy -Associate
Professor, Middlesex University,
Chair - BCS ICT Ethics
Specialist Group.
University Hendon campus in
north London is located ten
minutes from the Northern Line
(Hendon Central) and Thameslink
rail line (Hendon Station),
either of which takes you to
Middlesex from central London in
under 30 minutes.
Hendon Town Hall is right next
door to the Hendon campus of
Middlesex University. It is ten
minutes' walk away from Hendon
Central, an
underground railway station on
the Northern Line. Click
here for information on
getting to Hendon Town Hall
Click here
to view the location of the
university via google maps.