in Medicine and Health care: Assessing Social, Ethical and
Legal Issues
Two members of the ALERT research group, Dr
Carlisle George and Dr
Penny Duquenoy (IFIP WG9.2 Chair & BCS Ethics
Forum Manager) took part as panellists in a panel session
dedicated to the discussion on the social, ethical and legal
issues of information and communication technologies (ICT)
in medicine and healthcare, at the HCC7 conference on Human
Choice and Computers, Maribor, Slovenia (21-23, Sept, 2006).
The session was chaired by Dr Carlisle George.
panel members introduced vari ous aspects of ICT use in healthcare
and medicine, including:
- Ethics
of e-medicine - Prof. Goran Collste, Linköping
University Sweden;
- Technology
and the self-help patient - Dr Penny Duquenoy, Middlesex
- Legal
concerns of ICT in Healthcare - Dr Carlisle George,
Middlesex University;
- IT
in elderly care - Dr K ari n Hedström of Örebro
University, Sweden;
- Anthropomorphism
- humanisation, of the artefacts of ICT used in medicine
- Kai Kimppa, University of Turku, Finland ); and
- Automatic
Identification Technology in Medical and Social Care
- Dr. Emilio Mordini, Centre for Science, Society &
Citizenship, Italy .
the presentations by the panel, the audience were invited
to pose questions and join the panel in furthering the discussions
concerning human choice when ICT is used in healthcare and
medicine. Discussions focussed on: identifying human choice;
the effect of human choice on practice; how to promote human
centred systems; the politics of the information society;
and relationships between technical & social aspects of
ICT in medicine/healthcare.
This conference was dedicated to the memory of Rob Kling as
founding father of the Social Informatics school of thought.
The success of Rob's enterprise was demonstrated by the attendance
of more than 130 participants from around the world. The importance
of his work and this conference in pursuing the social aspects
of ICT is recognised by IFIP. The conference were pleased
to welcome former IFIP President Heinz Zemanek (Vienna, Austria)
who in the early days of IFIP fought for a Technical Committee
on 'non-technical aspects', and current IFIP President Prof.
Klaus Brunnstein - a previous Chair and current member of
TC9 (Technical Committee 9: Relationship between Computers
and Society).

Dr Carlisle George, Prof. Goran Collste, Dr Penny Duquenoy