XMF classifiers may contain a collection of constraints. A constraint
is used to determine whether a candidate instance is viewed as a well
formed instance of the classifier. In order to be correctly classified,
a candiate instance must satisfy all of the constraints that are
defined locally or inherited by the classifier. This document describes
how to use constraints.
Class Constraints
A constraint can be created directly as an instance of
XCore::Constraint and then added to a classifier using Classifier::add.
However, it is usual to define constraint either as part of a class
definition or via a context-definition. Consider the following
definition of a class Date:
import Java;
context Root
@Class Date metaclass JavaClass
@Operation less(other)
if other.isKindOf(Date)
then self.compareTo(other) < 0
else false
which is used in the following definition of a class representing
personnel records:
context Root
@Class PersonnelRecord
@Attribute name : String end
@Attribute start : Date end
@Attribute termination : Date end
@Constructor(name) !
self.start := Date()
@Constraint NonEmptyName
name <> ""
fail "The name must not be empty."
@Operation terminate()
self.termination := Date()
The idea is that the constraint can be used to check that the personnel
record is correctly formed. The constraint contains two expressions: a
boolean valued expression that determines whether the constraint is
satisfied. Within this expression the value of 'self' is the candidate
instance. The (optional) expression after 'fail' is a string-valued
expression and is used to construct a report string in the case when
the constraint fails. Given a valid record:
p := PersonnelRecord("Fred Brown");
we can check the constraints for p either by:
or by:
since these are equivalent. The result is a constraint report:
[1] XMF> PersonnelRecord.classify(p).writeReport(stdout);
The constraint NonEmptyName succeeded PersonnelRecord(Fred Brown) (no reason given)
The constraint TypeCheck succeeded PersonnelRecord(Fred Brown) (no reason given)
The constraint AllSlotsTypeCorrect succeeded PersonnelRecord(Fred Brown) (no reason given)
You can see from the report that TypeCheck and AllSlotsTypeCorrect are
system supplied constraints (from Object). Suppose we create an illegal
[1] XMF> PersonnelRecord.classify(PersonnelRecord()).writeReport(stdout);
The constraint NonEmptyName failed PersonnelRecord() The name must not be empty.
The constraint TypeCheck succeeded PersonnelRecord() (no reason given)
The constraint AllSlotsTypeCorrect succeeded PersonnelRecord() (no reason given)
Now suppose that we add a new constraint via a context-definition:
context PersonnelRecord
@Constraint ValidTermination
termination = null orelse start < termination
"Termination date " + termination.pprint() + " must be after the start date " + start.pprint()
Terminating employment should be done via the terminate() operation.
Under these circumstances the constraint will be satisfied. However, if
the termination date is tampered with the record may become illegal:
[1] XMF> p.checkConstraints().writeReport(stdout);
The constraint NonEmptyName succeeded PersonnelRecord(Fred Brown) (no reason given)
The constraint ValidTermination failed PersonnelRecord(Fred Brown) Termination date Tue Oct 11 12:00:09 GMT 2007 must be after the start date Tue Oct 11 12:00:13 GMT
The constraint TypeCheck succeeded PersonnelRecord(Fred Brown) (no reason given)
The constraint AllSlotsTypeCorrect succeeded PersonnelRecord(Fred Brown) (no reason given)
Instead of writing the constraint report as text, it can be written to
a file as HTML:
The resulting HTML file uses colour coding to show the satisfied
constraints (green) and failures (red). The following shows all the
constraints satisfied:
Constraint Report (Tue Oct 11 12:04:44 GMT 2007)
Constraint NonEmptyName |
PersonnelRecord(Fred Brown) |
termination |
null |
name |
Fred Brown |
start |
Tue Oct 11 12:04:37 GMT 2007 |
@Operation body(classifier : XCore::Element):XCore::Element name <> "" end
Constraint ValidTermination |
PersonnelRecord(Fred Brown) |
termination |
null |
name |
Fred Brown |
start |
Tue Oct 11 12:04:37 GMT 2007 |
@Operation body(classifier : XCore::Element):XCore::Element termination = null orelse start < termination end
Constraint TypeCheck |
PersonnelRecord(Fred Brown) |
termination |
null |
name |
Fred Brown |
start |
Tue Oct 11 12:04:37 GMT 2007 |
Invariant |
Constraint AllSlotsTypeCorrect |
PersonnelRecord(Fred Brown) |
termination |
null |
name |
Fred Brown |
start |
Tue Oct 11 12:04:37 GMT 2007 |
Invariant |
The following shows some failures (the termination date and the name
has been changed to the illegal value 10):
Constraint Report (Tue Oct 11 12:08:48 GMT 2007)
Constraint NonEmptyName |
Candidate PersonnelRecord(10) |
termination |
Tue Oct 11 12:00:09 GMT 2007 |
name |
10 |
start |
Tue Oct 11 12:04:37 GMT 2007 |
@Operation body(classifier : XCore::Element):XCore::Element name <> "" end
Constraint ValidTermination |
Candidate PersonnelRecord(10) |
termination |
Tue Oct 11 12:00:09 GMT 2007 |
name |
10 |
start |
Tue Oct 11 12:04:37 GMT 2007 |
@Operation body(classifier : XCore::Element):XCore::Element termination = null orelse start < termination end
Failure Reason
Termination date Tue Oct 11 12:00:09 GMT 2007 must be after the start date Tue Oct 11 12:04:37 GMT 2007
Constraint TypeCheck |
Candidate PersonnelRecord(10) |
termination |
Tue Oct 11 12:00:09 GMT 2007 |
name |
10 |
start |
Tue Oct 11 12:04:37 GMT 2007 |
Invariant |
Constraint AllSlotsTypeCorrect |
Candidate PersonnelRecord(10) |
termination |
Tue Oct 11 12:00:09 GMT 2007 |
name |
10 |
start |
Tue Oct 11 12:04:37 GMT 2007 |
Invariant |
Failure Reason
termination = Tue Oct 11 12:00:09 GMT 2007:Root::Date is not of type Root::Date, name = 10:Root::XCore::Integer is not of type Root::XCore::String