Data models often require processing that involves model-traversal. A traversal starts at a root element, performs some acrtions and then moves on to other elements in the model that are reachable from the root. Each newly reached element is then treated as a new root. The traversal continues in this way, being careful not to get into a loop, until all the elements in the model have been processed and all the links have been traversed. XMF provides two convenient ways of defining model traversal. They are similar, but differ slightly:- Walkers are single classes that have a fixed interface of
operations based on the elements on XCore. The traversal calls the
operation in the interface depending on the type of the element that is
encountered. Fore example, if an object is encountered walkObject is
called whereas if an integer is encountered then walkInt is called.
Given a model, the basic walker can be extended to produce a sub-class
that implements a new operation (called from walkObject) that handles a
case for each class in the model. Walkers tend to be used when the
model is fixed and will not be subsequently extended. Walkers are
defined as a single unit, i.e. all the operations are defined int he
same place. In addition walkers tend to be fairly fast.
- Dispatchers are classes that have handlers added to them. Each handler is associated with a class in the model and when an instance of the class is encountered by the dispatcher, the appropriate handler is called. Unlike walkers, dispatchers are initially empty (have no handling operations). Dispatchers tend to be used when the model is likely to be extended by users or when the handlers should naturally be distributed around the source code. Dispatchers are more flexible than walkers, but are not as efficient.
To top.
Suppose that we want to construct an extensible facility to transform data elements into abstract syntax The idea is that if element d is transformed into abstract syntax e, then the evaluation of expression e produces d. This process if called lifting. For example, the integer 10 is lifted to produce:IntExp(10)
We want the lifting facility to be extensible so that we can add new types of data element with associated new abstract syntax forms that define them. For example, classes have their own abstract syntax @Class ... end that defines them, as to packages, constraints and attributes. We want the facility to allow users to add their own definitions as extensions.
These requirements make dispatching a good candidate technology for lifting.
To top.
Defining A Dispatching Class
A dispatcher is a type of class. To use a dispatcher, you create an instance of the class and invoke an operation, supplying it with the dispatching data. Each instance of the dispatching class propduces a new instance with state that can be used to control the processing performed during the traversal. A simple lifting dispatcher is stateless, so it does not define any attributes:@Class Lift metaclass Walkers::Dispatcher
let lifter = Lift()
in lifter.dispatch(e,null)
As it stands, the lifting dispatcher will report an error, because it has no handlers. The next section describes how to add handlers to a dispatcher.
To top.
Defining Handlers
Handlers are added to a dispatching class. Handlers are like operations except that they are associated with a specific type of element. When an element is supplied for dispatch, the handler with the most specific type matching that of the element is chosen to perform the processing. A handler is defined as follows:@Handler Type in DispatchingClass(element:Type,arg,encountered:Boolean)
The handler for lifting integers is defined as follows:
@Handler Integer in Lift(i,arg,encountered)
@Handler Seq(Element) in Lift(s,arg,encountered)
if s->isEmpty
then [| Seq{} |]
// In the body of a handler, 'self' refers to the
// dispatching object...
[| Seq{<self.dispatch(s->head,arg)> |
@Handler Vector in Lift(v,arg,encountered)
[| let vector = Vector(<IntExp(v.size())>)
in <0.to(v.size() - 1)->iterate(i exp = var |
[| <exp>;
Dispatchers with State
The lifting dispatcher does not provide any state or any auxilliary
operations to help the handlers. This section extends the lifting
dispatcher defined in the previous sections with some state and some
operations to provide a more realistic lifting facility.The dispatcher defined above, handles tree-shaped data elements but does not behave correctly with respect to data elements where the same element may occur twice (sharing). Furthermore, the lifting dispatcher above will not return if the data contains loops. Data can easily contain shared elements and loops for example:
let v = Vector(3);
s = Seq{1,2,3}
in v.put(0,s);
#(1)=Vector[0 =
1 =
2 =
// Create a stack that is used to build an
// indexed collection of element...
let table = Stack()
in // Create the vector and record it
// on the stack...
let var1 = table.top()
in var1;
// Create the sequence and record
// the components on the stack...
let var2 = Seq{null | null}
in table.push(var2);
var2->head := 1;
var2->tail :=
let var3 = Seq{null | null}
in table.push(var3);
var3->head := 2;
var3->tail :=
let var4 = Seq{null | null}
in table.push(var4);
var4->head := 3;
var4->tail := Seq{};
// The second and third components of the
// vector are now available via their indices
// on the stack...
@Class Lift metaclass Dispatcher
// The stack is used to record the elements as they
// are encountered during dispatching. An equivalent
// stack is used to record the elements as they
// are constructed at run-time. The handlers must
// arrange for the run-time elements to occur at the
// same indices as the dispatch-time elements...
@Attribute stack : Stack = Stack() end
// Local variables are used at run-time to manipulate
// the elements as they are constructed. The dispatcher
// uses the following counter to allocate unique variable
// names...
@Attribute varCount : Integer end
@Operation newVar()
// Allocate a new variable with a unique name...
self.varCount := varCount + 1;
"var" + varCount.toString()
Here is an example of a handler that is used when lifting sequences (actually sequences are treated as pairs with head and tail locations):
@Handler SeqOfElement in Lift(s,arg,encountered)
if encountered
// The pair has already been created and lives
// on the run-time stack at the same location
// as the pair s on the dispatch-time stack...
[| <arg>.ref(<stack.indexOf(s).lift()>) |]
elseif s->isEmpty
then [| Seq{} |]
// Record the pair s on the dispatch-time
// stack...
// Create a unique variable that will be used
// to refer to the pair at run-time...
let var = Var(self.newVar())
// Create the pair at run-time. Note that the
// head and tail are empty at thie point...
[| let <var.name> = Seq{null|null}
// Record the pair on the run-time stack.
// Careful to make sure the pair lives at
// the same location on the two stacks...
// Set the head and tail ...
<var> ->head := <self.dispatch(s->head,arg)>;
<var> ->tail := <self.dispatch(s->tail,arg)>;
// Make sure we return the newly created pair
// since the caller may need it...