I worked from 1985 to 1994 for Marconi
Research Ltd. investigating computational mechanisms for Knowledge
Representation and Artificial Intelligence including engines for
interpreting visual cues from surveillance cameras at airports and
recognizing families of underwater vehicles by fusing
sonar data. At Marconi I was involved in developing a commercial UK AI
toolkit called KERIS.
From 1994 to 2003 I was a
lecturer in Software Engineering at the University of
Bradford and then King's
London. During this time I contributed to the OMG
standards body on modelling technologies including UML, MOF, OCL, MDA
and QVT. This work produced a number of results including a proposal
for UML 2.0, the MML language, and a programming language system which
eventually became XMF and XMF-Mosaic.
In 2003 I co-founded a start-up
called Xactium
order to commercially develop the XMF-based technologies and served as
Technical Director. From 2004 to 2008, Xactium developed a number
of techniques for
model- and language-driven development and I led consultancy projects
for a range of clients including: BAES; BT; BSkyB; CitiGroup; Artisan
Software; Lockheed-Martin. Xactium decided to make XMF open-source in
In 2008 I moved to Thames Valley University as a Professor in
Computing where I established the Model Driven Software Engineering Research
Group. At TVU (now the University of West London) the MDSE group investigated
modelling approaches to database systems, content management systems, collaborative
authoring, and mobile applications.
In 2010 I was appointed Professor of Informatics and Head of Department for
Business Information Systems in the School of Engineering and Information
Sciences at Middlesex University. Current research work includes the development
of precise approaches to enterprise modelling and a calculus for reactive systems
including mobile applications.
A more complete CV is available on request.