Institute on


Middlesex University Digital Library Workshop
28th June 2002 Trent Park (The Mansion House)

9:30 Coffee and registration

10:00 Introduction

10:15 Keynote speaker – Fay Owston (BT)

Title: A Digital Library without Seams

A look at BT's corporate Digital Library, why it developed, what it does and how it differs from Digital Libraries in the academic sector.

10:55 Zoe Hendon (MODA) – MoDA’s Collections Management Database Abstract Presentation (Word)

11:15 Coffee & chat

11:40 Alex Tak – ILSR Working and Learning in ILRS's Hybrid Digital Library Presentation (Word)

The paper describes the Digital Library as it is taking shape within ILRS at Middlesex University. It describes the work of the Systems Team in developing and administering the Digital Library. Consideration is given to the problems encountered and solutions implemented. Possible future developments are also considered. Optimistically, the paper suggests that the Digital Library can be seen as facilitating the transformation of librarians into "knowledge workers" and the University into a model "learning organization".

12:00 Anne Adams (IDC) – The changing role of libraries and the librarians Presentation (PP)

12:20 Gary Hall (Humanities and Cultural Studies) – The Cultural Studies E-Print Archive Project Abstract

12:40 Hanna Stelmaszewska (IDC) – Patterns of interactions: user behaviour in response to search results Abstract Presentation (PP) Full text

1:00 Lunch

2:00 Working groups

3:00 Reports back Summary of the groups' discussion

3:15 Tea & chat

3:40 Suzette Keith (IDC) – Applying Claims Analysis to evaluate usability of a digital library interface Abstract

4:00 Richard Bayford (Social Science and Health) Presentation (PP)

4:20 Elke Dunker (IDC) Cross-cultural Usability of the Library Metaphor

4:40 Closing discussion

5:00 Close


Last updated 14th June 2002