Simulating Models with XMF


This tutorial describes how XMF can be used to simulate the evolution of a data model.  Such simulation has a range of uses including anticipating where potential problem might exist in either the data model or in the execution that updates the data model.  The example used is the simulation of a  Job Shop where manfacturing jobs are processed on manfacturing machines.  The simulation explores different scheduling strategies for the processing of these jobs.



Models of systems can come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. The simplest sketch of a system on the back of a napkin is a model that can tell us something about the intended structure and behaviour of the system. Models tend to fall into distinct categories that reflect their intent. Models of usage (such as use-case models) try to capture the client view of the system, i.e. what does the system offer? Archtecture models try to capture the major components of the system and how they will communicate. Data models try to capture the information that the system processes. Dynamic models try to produce descriptions of how the system behaves under certain conditions. In all cases, these models may be constructed as lightweight sketches that ignore implementation detail or constructed as detailed blueprints including key implementation features.

To be effective, modelling must be integrated with a project development method. There are many such methods; one significant method is to use modelling to produce a complete executable simulation of the system. The model is representative of the real system and is used to run test cases. The model does not need to deal with complex implementation details. Once the executable model has been developed and used to analyse the behaviour of the required system, it can be used as an executable blueprint for the real system.

There are a number of advantages to this approach: results can be produced in a short time; requirements engineering can involve presenting stakeholders with a simulation of the required system; the languages used for executable modelling support good debugging and instrumentation; the languages provide high level support for manipulating data and representing key application components; using the executable model as a blueprint significantly reduces the gap between design and implementation.

In order to simulate a system, a model must include the actions that the system performs. There are a variety of ways of modelling actions including state machines and model based action languages. Modelling actions falls broadly into two categories that differ depending on whether the model is to be executable or whether it is to be used to analyse system executions. The former allows the model to be run. The latter statically describes the properties of executions.

XOCL can be used to define both categories of dynamic model behaviour. XOCL supports operations that are added to model components in order to execute the modelled application. XOCL can be extended with constructs that suit the application domain and therefore make it easier to define the simulation, to analyse it and to translate it to a complete implementation.

This chapter shows how XOCL is used to produce a system simulation. Section  specifies a simple job-shop application and shows how the simulator will behave. Section  describes how the simulation is implemented. Finally, section  describes how dynamic execution behaviours can be modelled and subsequently analysed.

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A Job Shop Simulation Application

Scheduling jobs is a typical example of an application that can benefit from simulation. There are many ways in which jobs can be scheduled to machines that process the jobs and the behaviour of a scheduling application can change depending on many different features of the application. Opportunistic scheduling is a simple type of scheduling whereby jobs are allocated to machines as soon as the machine becomes available without any fancy analysis of the best use of resources. This section describes an executable model for opportunistic scheduling.

The figure below shows a simple jobs shop as a tree of components. The job shop contains jobs that must be processed and machines that can process the jobs. In this case the application is to process an aircraft wing. The single job named Wing has a plan that specifies a sequence of processes that must be performed in order. The wing must be case by a die casting machine and then painted by a painting machine. The job-shop has exactly one machine of each type (therefore the task is do-able).

A Wing Job Shop

The figure below shows the steps in performing this simple simulation. The initial state of the jobs shop shows that the Wing job is not allocated to any machine. The job is then allocated to the Die Case machine for 5 units of time after which is switches to the Paint machine for 8 units of time and finally the job is complete and not allocated to any machines.

Wing 1
Wing 2
Wing 3

To top.

Job Shop Data Model

The figure below shows a model of a job-shop consisting of jobs to be processed and machines that can process jobs. The required application is an opportunistic scheduler that will allocate jobs to appropriate machines as soon as they become available. Each job has a plan that is a sequence of process descriptors: at any given time, a job is either completed or is waiting to be allocated to a machine or is being processed by a machine. A machine performs processes of a given type and can only process one job at a time.

Job Shop

The model allows various configurations of machines and jobs to be created. By attaching actions to the classes in the model it is then possible to simulate the execution of the configuration. The results of the simulation can be used to analyse both the configuration and the impact of modifications to the configuration. These include: determining the overall execution time, whether there are any bottlenecks in the system; the effect of adding and removing machines of various types; and, the amount of time machines are left idle.  Here are key features of the model:

The figure below shows a simple initial state for a job shop that processes aircraft wings. The job is started with an initial process state set up for the initial process descriptor in the plan; however, the process state shows that the process has not started and is not yet allocated to a machine.

Process a Wing Snapshot

The next figure shows the state of the simulator at time 2 when the initial process state has started. The process state is allocated to a machine of the appropriate type, but is not yet complete.

Process Wing 2

The final figure shows the state of the simulation at time 8. Machining at the Die Cast has completed and is shown on the process history of the job. The process state shows that the job is now scheduled at the paining machine. The simulation continues at the painting machine until the time reaches 16 when the job becomes complete.

Process Wing 3
Figure  shows the state of the simulation at time 8. Machining at the Die Cast has completed and is shown on the process history of the job. The process state shows that the job is now scheduled at the paining machine. The simulation continues at the painting machine until the time reaches 16 when the job becomes complete.

A trace of the simulation is shown below:
[1] XMF>;
[1 ] Job Wing becomes scheduled at machine Die Cast:1.
[2 ] Machine Die Cast:1 processing job Wing (1 of 5 units)
[3 ] Machine Die Cast:1 processing job Wing (2 of 5 units)
[4 ] Machine Die Cast:1 processing job Wing (3 of 5 units)
[5 ] Machine Die Cast:1 processing job Wing (4 of 5 units)
[6 ] Machine Die Cast:1 completes job Wing.
[6 ] Job Wing becomes scheduled at machine Paint:2.
[7 ] Machine Paint:2 processing job Wing (1 of 8 units)
[8 ] Machine Paint:2 processing job Wing (2 of 8 units)
[9 ] Machine Paint:2 processing job Wing (3 of 8 units)
[10 ] Machine Paint:2 processing job Wing (4 of 8 units)
[11 ] Machine Paint:2 processing job Wing (5 of 8 units)
[12 ] Machine Paint:2 processing job Wing (6 of 8 units)
[13 ] Machine Paint:2 processing job Wing (7 of 8 units)
[14 ] Machine Paint:2 completes job Wing.
[1] XMF>
Once the job shop simulation has completed, it is possible to perform analysis on the job histories. One useful analysis is to determine when any of the machines have been idle during the simulation. This is shown below:
[1] XMF> ProcessWing::jobShop.idleTimes();
Machine Paint:2 was idle at time 1.
Machine Paint:2 was idle at time 2.
Machine Paint:2 was idle at time 3.
Machine Paint:2 was idle at time 4.
Machine Paint:2 was idle at time 5.
Machine Die Cast:1 was idle at time 7.
Machine Die Cast:1 was idle at time 8.
Machine Die Cast:1 was idle at time 9.
Machine Die Cast:1 was idle at time 10.
Machine Die Cast:1 was idle at time 11.
Machine Die Cast:1 was idle at time 12.
Machine Die Cast:1 was idle at time 13.
[1] XMF>
The following shows a slightly more interesting example of a job-shop that processes many more jobs with more machines. In this example there are several jobs competing for a single Die Cast machine; this causes a bottleneck in the processing leading to 36 units of time for the simulation. If another Die Cast machine is added then the simulation shows the time is reduced to 27 units:
[1] XMF>;
[1 ] Job Wing1 becomes scheduled at machine Die Cast:3.
[2 ] Machine Die Cast:3 processing job Wing1 (1 of 5 units)
[3 ] Machine Die Cast:3 processing job Wing1 (2 of 5 units)
[4 ] Machine Die Cast:3 processing job Wing1 (3 of 5 units)
[5 ] Machine Die Cast:3 processing job Wing1 (4 of 5 units)
[6 ] Machine Die Cast:3 completes job Wing1.
[6 ] Job Wing1 becomes scheduled at machine Paint:4.
[7 ] Job Tail1 becomes scheduled at machine Die Cast:3.
[7 ] Machine Paint:4 processing job Wing1 (1 of 8 units)
[8 ] Machine Die Cast:3 processing job Tail1 (1 of 5 units)
[8 ] Machine Paint:4 processing job Wing1 (2 of 8 units)
[9 ] Machine Die Cast:3 processing job Tail1 (2 of 5 units)
[9 ] Machine Paint:4 processing job Wing1 (3 of 8 units)
[10 ] Machine Die Cast:3 processing job Tail1 (3 of 5 units)
[10 ] Machine Paint:4 processing job Wing1 (4 of 8 units)
[11 ] Machine Die Cast:3 processing job Tail1 (4 of 5 units)
[11 ] Machine Paint:4 processing job Wing1 (5 of 8 units)
[12 ] Machine Die Cast:3 completes job Tail1.
[12 ] Machine Paint:4 processing job Wing1 (6 of 8 units)
[13 ] Job Tail1 becomes scheduled at machine Paint:2.
[13 ] Job Tail2 becomes scheduled at machine Die Cast:3.
[13 ] Machine Paint:4 processing job Wing1 (7 of 8 units)
[14 ] Machine Paint:2 processing job Tail1 (1 of 8 units)
[14 ] Machine Die Cast:3 processing job Tail2 (1 of 5 units)
[14 ] Machine Paint:4 completes job Wing1.
[14 ] Job Wing1 becomes scheduled at machine Assemble:6.
[15 ] Machine Paint:2 processing job Tail1 (2 of 8 units)
[15 ] Machine Die Cast:3 processing job Tail2 (2 of 5 units)
[15 ] Machine Assemble:6 processing job Wing1 (1 of 3 units)
[16 ] Machine Paint:2 processing job Tail1 (3 of 8 units)
[16 ] Machine Die Cast:3 processing job Tail2 (3 of 5 units)
[16 ] Machine Assemble:6 processing job Wing1 (2 of 3 units)
[17 ] Machine Paint:2 processing job Tail1 (4 of 8 units)
[17 ] Machine Die Cast:3 processing job Tail2 (4 of 5 units)
[17 ] Machine Assemble:6 completes job Wing1.
[18 ] Machine Paint:2 processing job Tail1 (5 of 8 units)
[18 ] Machine Die Cast:3 completes job Tail2.
[18 ] Job Tail2 becomes scheduled at machine Paint:4.
[19 ] Machine Paint:2 processing job Tail1 (6 of 8 units)
[19 ] Job Nose becomes scheduled at machine Die Cast:3.
[19 ] Machine Paint:4 processing job Tail2 (1 of 8 units)
[20 ] Machine Paint:2 processing job Tail1 (7 of 8 units)
[20 ] Machine Die Cast:3 processing job Nose (1 of 5 units)
[20 ] Machine Paint:4 processing job Tail2 (2 of 8 units)
[21 ] Machine Paint:2 completes job Tail1.
[21 ] Machine Die Cast:3 processing job Nose (2 of 5 units)
[21 ] Machine Paint:4 processing job Tail2 (3 of 8 units)
[21 ] Job Tail1 becomes scheduled at machine Assemble:6.
[22 ] Machine Die Cast:3 processing job Nose (3 of 5 units)
[22 ] Machine Paint:4 processing job Tail2 (4 of 8 units)
[22 ] Machine Assemble:6 processing job Tail1 (1 of 3 units)
[23 ] Machine Die Cast:3 processing job Nose (4 of 5 units)
[23 ] Machine Paint:4 processing job Tail2 (5 of 8 units)
[23 ] Machine Assemble:6 processing job Tail1 (2 of 3 units)
[24 ] Machine Die Cast:3 completes job Nose.
[24 ] Machine Paint:4 processing job Tail2 (6 of 8 units)
[24 ] Machine Assemble:6 completes job Tail1.
[25 ] Job Nose becomes scheduled at machine Paint:2.
[25 ] Machine Paint:4 processing job Tail2 (7 of 8 units)
[26 ] Machine Paint:2 processing job Nose (1 of 8 units)
[26 ] Machine Paint:4 completes job Tail2.
[26 ] Job Tail2 becomes scheduled at machine Assemble:6.
[27 ] Machine Paint:2 processing job Nose (2 of 8 units)
[27 ] Machine Assemble:6 processing job Tail2 (1 of 3 units)
[28 ] Machine Paint:2 processing job Nose (3 of 8 units)
[28 ] Machine Assemble:6 processing job Tail2 (2 of 3 units)
[29 ] Machine Paint:2 processing job Nose (4 of 8 units)
[29 ] Machine Assemble:6 completes job Tail2.
[30 ] Machine Paint:2 processing job Nose (5 of 8 units)
[31 ] Machine Paint:2 processing job Nose (6 of 8 units)
[32 ] Machine Paint:2 processing job Nose (7 of 8 units)
[33 ] Machine Paint:2 completes job Nose.
[33 ] Job Nose becomes scheduled at machine Assemble:6.
[34 ] Machine Assemble:6 processing job Nose (1 of 3 units)
[35 ] Machine Assemble:6 processing job Nose (2 of 3 units)
[36 ] Machine Assemble:6 completes job Nose.

To top.

Job Shop Implementation

The previous section has specified a job shop scheduling simulation in terms of a general model consisting of jobs, plans and machines. Non-executable modelling would have to stop at this point: the execution would be left implicit, perhaps specified as pre and post-conditions on various model operations. Executable modelling allows the models to be brought to life in terms of simulation. Depending on the application requirements, it is possible for the executable model to be the application, however that is not the issue here. This section describes the implementation of the key features of the simulation by defining operations on the classes defined in figure .

A job shop simulation is initiated by the run operation:
context JobShop
@Operation runJobs()
@While not jobs->forAll(job | job.isComplete()) do
self.time := time + 1
@For machine in machines do
Each machine processes the current job:
context Machine
@Operation process(jobShop:JobShop)
if not broken
if job <> null
then self.processJob(jobShop)
else self.findJob(jobShop)
else format(stdout,"~S:~S is broken at the moment.",Seq{type,machineId})
The current job being processed by a machine is handled by processJob. Ticking a job causes the process state to be modified by one time unit. If the job is complete then it is removed from the machine. The operations for printing messages are not included in the code, but conform to the sample runs given in the previous section:
context Machine
@Operation processJob(jobShop:JobShop)
if job.isComplete()
else self.printProcessing(jobShop.time(),job)
A machine uses findJob to schedule the next job if the machine is not currently processing a job. If a pending job is found then it becomes the current job of the machine and the process state of the job is updated using start():
context Machine
@Operation findJob(jobShop)
not job.processState().hasStarted() andthen
job.processState().processDescriptor().machineType = type
do self.setJob(job);

context ProcessState
@Operation start(time:Integer,machine:Machine)
When a job is processed by a machine, its tick() operation is performed. This updates the current process state:
context Job
@Operation tick()
if processState.isComplete()
then self.nextProcessState()

context ProcessState
@Operation tick()
if hasStarted and not isComplete
self.setDuration(duration + 1);
if duration >= processDescriptor.duration()
then self.setIsComplete(true)
If the process state of a job indicates that the current process is complete, then the job moves to the next process descriptor in the plan. The current process state is added to the process history for the job so that analysis can be performed after the cimulation has completed. The plan is asked for a new process state. If the plan is complete then the job becomes complete, otherwise the process state of the job contains the next process descriptor in the plan awaiting scheduling on an appropriate machine:
context Job
@Operation nextProcessState()
if processState = null
then self.setIsComplete(true)

context Plan
@Operation nextProcessState(current:ProcessState):ProcessState
let index = states->indexOf(current.processDescriptor())
in if index + 1 >= states->size
then null
let next = states->at(index + 1)
in ProcessState(next)
The operations above complete the basic simulator. It remains to perform machine idle time analysis on a completed simulation, this is implemented as an operation idleTimes on JobShop:
context JobShop
@Operation idleTimes()
@Count t from 1 to time do
@For machine in machines do
if not jobs->exists(job | job.processedBy(machine,t))
then self.printIdle(machine,t)

context Job
@Operation processedBy(machine,time):Boolean
processHistory->exists(state |
state.machine() = machine and
state.startTime() <= time and
(state.startTime() + state.duration()) >= time)
The following is another analysis operation that calculates those jobs that took longer than their alotted time to be processed:
context JobShop
@Operation lateJobs():Set(Job)
jobs->select(job | job.maxDuration() < job.duration())

context Job
@Operation duration():Integer
let state = processHistory->last
in (state.startTime() + state.duration()) - creationTime

To top.

Conflict Analysis

An interesting analysis dertmines whether or not there are two jobs that ever require the same machine at the same time. This analysis requires a slightly diffferent type of simulation from that described so far. In order to determine whether there may be a conflict, the job shop is symbolically executed, creating histories of possible allocations of jobs to machines. These allocations can then be analysed to determine whether any of them overlap.

Given the initial state of the job-shop it is possible to calculate the scheduling options by analysing the plan for each job and allocating the job to the machines it requires. The result of doing this for each job is a collection of possible histories for the simulation. An execution of the simulation is represented by one possible history for each of the jobs. If there is a machine that is required by two different jobs in all possible histories then it is not possible to optimally schedule the jobs, i.e. there is a bottleneck arising from a conflict.

Consider the ProcessAircraft example given in a previous section. Here are all the histories calculated for the jobs:
Histories calculated for job Wing1:
Machine 3 is used from 0 to 5
Machine 4 is used from 5 to 13
Machine 5 is used from 13 to 16
Machine 3 is used from 0 to 5
Machine 4 is used from 5 to 13
Machine 6 is used from 13 to 16
Machine 3 is used from 0 to 5
Machine 2 is used from 5 to 13
Machine 6 is used from 13 to 16
Machine 3 is used from 0 to 5
Machine 2 is used from 5 to 13
Machine 5 is used from 13 to 16
Histories calculated for job Tail1:
Machine 3 is used from 0 to 5
Machine 4 is used from 5 to 13
Machine 5 is used from 13 to 16
Machine 3 is used from 0 to 5
Machine 4 is used from 5 to 13
Machine 6 is used from 13 to 16
Machine 3 is used from 0 to 5
Machine 2 is used from 5 to 13
Machine 6 is used from 13 to 16
Machine 3 is used from 0 to 5
Machine 2 is used from 5 to 13
Machine 5 is used from 13 to 16
Histories calculated for job Tail2:
Machine 3 is used from 0 to 5
Machine 4 is used from 5 to 13
Machine 5 is used from 13 to 16
Machine 3 is used from 0 to 5
Machine 4 is used from 5 to 13
Machine 6 is used from 13 to 16
Machine 3 is used from 0 to 5
Machine 2 is used from 5 to 13
Machine 6 is used from 13 to 16
Machine 3 is used from 0 to 5
Machine 2 is used from 5 to 13
Machine 5 is used from 13 to 16
Histories calculated for job Nose:
Machine 3 is used from 0 to 5
Machine 4 is used from 5 to 13
Machine 5 is used from 13 to 16
Machine 3 is used from 0 to 5
Machine 4 is used from 5 to 13
Machine 6 is used from 13 to 16
Machine 3 is used from 0 to 5
Machine 2 is used from 5 to 13
Machine 6 is used from 13 to 16
Machine 3 is used from 0 to 5
Machine 2 is used from 5 to 13
Machine 5 is used from 13 to 16
The figure below shows a model of job-shop histories. A history records when a machine is busy in terms of when a job is allocated to the machine (the start time) and when a job is removed from the machine (the finish time). A job-shop is translated to an instance of the class Histories, by calculating all the possible sets of histories; each history is an ordered collection of consistent machine allocations.
History Model

Each plan produces n instance of Histories:
context Plan
@Operation histories(jobShop)
let h = Histories()
in @For state in states do
let M = jobShop.machines()->select(machine |
machine.type() = state.machineType())
in h.addMachines(state.duration(),M)
A histories, adds all the machines that could occur during a given time duration. The histories are built up incrementally by adding machines that might be used by process descriptors. Since scheduling is opportunistic each machine is allocated at random:
context Histories
@Operation addMachines(duration,M)
// Add all the machines for the given duration at the
// end of the current histories.
@For history in histories do
@For machine in M do
context History
@Operation extend(duration,machine)
// Add a new allocation. Returns a copy so that
// other additions don't interfere...
let newHistory = self.copy();
d = allocations->iterate(a d = 0 | d + (a.finish() - a.start()))
in newHistory.addToAllocations(MachineAllocation(d,d + duration,machine))
Two machine allocations conflict when they overlap:
context MachineAllocation
@Operation conflict(other:MachineAllocation):Boolean
machine = other.machine and
((start >= other.start and start <= other.finish) or
(other.start >= start and other.start <= finish))
Finally, the job-shop configuration has a conflict when there are two jobs that require the same machine during the same time interval in all possible histories:
context JobShop
@Operation conflict():Boolean
jobs->exists(j1 |
jobs->exists(j2 |
j1 <> j2 and
j1.plan().histories(self).histories()->forAll(h1 |
j2.plan().histories(self).histories()->forAll(h2 |
h1.allocations()->exists(a1 |
h2.allocations()->exists(a2 | a1.conflict(a2)))))))

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