An attribute is a structural feature of a class. It defines the
name and type of a slot of the instances of the class. When the
class is instantiated, a new object is created and a slot is added
for each attribute defined and inherited by the class. Each slot
is initialised to contain the default value for the type of the
corresponding attribute.
Constructor: Attribute(name,type)
The name is a string and the type is a classifier.
Constructors |
Attributes | ||
init | Operation | No Documentation Specified |
isComposite | Boolean | No Documentation Specified |
properties | Seq(Element) | No Documentation Specified |
From DocumentedElement: documentation. From TypedElement: type. From NamedElement: name. From Contained: owner. |
Operations | |
deleteProperty(name:Element):Element | No Documentation Specified |
dependencies():Set(Element) | No Documentation Specified |
deployAccessor(out:OutputChannel,package:Package):Element | No Documentation Specified |
deployEAttribute(out:Element,package:Package,path:String):Element | No Documentation Specified |
deployEReference(out:Element,package:Package,path:String):Element | No Documentation Specified |
deployEcore(out:Element,package:Package,path:String):Element | No Documentation Specified |
deployJava(out:OutputChannel,package:Package):Element | No Documentation Specified |
deployUpdater(out:OutputChannel,package:Package):Element | No Documentation Specified |
deployUpdaterHook(out:OutputChannel,package:Package):Element | No Documentation Specified |
deployXOCL(out:OutputChannel):Element | No Documentation Specified |
ecoreEType(package:Package,path:String):String | No Documentation Specified |
getInitialValue():Element | No Documentation Specified |
getProperty(name:Element,default:Element):Element | No Documentation Specified |
hasAtomicType():Boolean | No Documentation Specified |
hasProperty(name:Element):Element | No Documentation Specified |
hasSeqType():Boolean | No Documentation Specified |
hasSetType():Boolean | No Documentation Specified |
init(args:Element):Element | No Documentation Specified |
init():Element | No Documentation Specified |
isEAttribute():Boolean | No Documentation Specified |
isStatic():Boolean | No Documentation Specified |
lift():Performable | No Documentation Specified |
populate(sig:Signature):Element | No Documentation Specified |
repopulate(a:Attribute):Element | No Documentation Specified |
setProperty(name:Element,value:Element):Element | No Documentation Specified |
toString():Element | No Documentation Specified |
underlyingType():Classifier | No Documentation Specified |
From DocumentedElement: setDoc, doc, ensureDoc. From NamedElement: href, toString, setName, repopulate, pathSeq, path, name, getNamedElement. From Contained: owner, deleteRecursive, allOwners, addTo, setOwner, removeFromOwner. From Object: slotMissing, slotMissing, setProperty, setHotLoad, setDaemonsActive, setDaemons, set, renameSlot, removeStructuralFeature, removeDaemonsWithTarget, removeDaemonsWithId, removeDaemonNamed, removeDaemon, machineInit, initSlots, init, hotLoaded, hotLoad, hasSlot, hasProperty, getProperty, get, hasStructuralFeature, getStructuralFeatureNames, hasDaemonWithTarget, hasDaemonWithIdAndTarget, hasDaemonWithId, hasDaemonNamed, fire, destroyDaemon, daemonWithIdAndTarget, daemonWithId, daemonNamed, daemonsActive, daemons, allDaemonsWithTarget, allDaemonsWithId, compositeValues, allCompositeValuesAndSelf, allCompositeValues, addStructuralFeature, addPersistentDaemon, addMultiDaemon, addDaemon. From Element: pprint, pprint, pprint, writeXMLFile, writeXMLFile, writeXML, lift, toSnapshot, toSnapshot, allHTMLEntries, allHTMLPackages, toHTML, writeHTML, writeHTML, writeHTMLAllEntries, writeHTMLAllPackages, writeHTMLIndex, writeHTMLOverview, yield, toString, systemId, setOf, send, save2, save, removeDaemon, removeDaemon, println, print, oclIsKindOf, oclIsTypeOf, noOperationFound, isTypeOf, isReallyKindOf, init, init, of, isKindOf, addTo, checkConstraints, copy, deleteRecursive, die, edit, equals, error, ferror, hashCode. |