A classifier is a name space for operations and constraints. A classifier
is generalizable and has parents from which it inherits operations and
constraints. A classifier can be instantiated via 'new/0' and 'new/1'. In
both cases the default behaviour is to return a default value as an instance.
If the classifier is a datatype then the basic value for the datatype is
returned otherwise 'null' is returned as the default value. A classifier can
also be applied to arguments (0 or more) in order to instantiate it. Typically
you will not create a Classifier directly, but create a class or an instance
of a sub-class of Class.
Operations |
add(namedElement:NamedElement):Classifier | No Documentation Specified |
add(n:NamedElement):Classifier |
Adds a named element to a classifier. If the named element
is an operation or constraint then it is added to the
appropriate attributes of the classifier. Sub-classes of
Classifier can exte-nd this as appropriate but should also call
thi via 'super'.
addConstraint(c:Constraint):Classifier |
Adds a constraint to a classifier. Use 'add/1' in preference
to this operation.
addGrammar(grammar:Grammar):Element | No Documentation Specified |
addOperation(o:Element):Constraint |
Adds an operation to a classifier. Use 'add/1' in preference
to this operation. Removes any existign operation with the
same name and arity.
addParent(parent:Element):Element |
Add the parent to the receiver.
Only make the modification if the parent is
legal and not already present. Otherwise dont
change the receiver.
allConstraints():Set(Constraint) |
Get all the constraints defined and inherited by
the receiver.
allOperations():Seq(Operation) |
Get All the operations defined and inherited by the
receiver. The order of the operations is very important
because this is the order in which message lookup occurs.
To calculate allOperations/0 we use an Operator
Precedence Ordering. This is a depth first left to right
traversal of the classification type lattice up to a join.
Stopping at join points means that operations that would
otherwise appear multiple times in the OPO are promoted to
their last occurrence.
allParents():Set(Classifier) |
The set of all parents of a classifier.
availableParents():Set(Classifier) | No Documentation Specified |
checkParents():Classifier |
Called when a classifier is initialised. Raises an exception
if any of the parents are illegal (for example if they are
classify(e:Element):Set(ConstraintReport) |
A classifier classifies its instances by running constraints
against them. The result of classification is a set of
constraint reports that describe whether the classification
succeeded and why the classification fails. To classify a
candidate supply it to 'classify/1' to produce the set of
default():Element |
When a classifier is used as an attribute type the corresponding
slot values are initialised to the default value returned by
this operation.
defaultParents():Set(Classifier) |
When creating a classifier it is possible to state the
default parents so that if no parents are specified when
creating an instance of the classifier the set returned by
this operation is used. The default parent for a classifier
is Element.
dependencies():Set(Element) | No Documentation Specified |
getConstraint(name:String):Constraint |
ndex a constraint by name.
getOperation(name:String):Operation |
Index an operation by name.
getOperation(name:String,arity:Integer):Operation |
Index an operation by name and arity.
grammar():Grammar | No Documentation Specified |
hasOperation(name:Element,arity:Element):Element | No Documentation Specified |
inheritsFrom(c:Classifier):Boolean |
A classifier inherits from another if they are the same or
we can ue the 'parents' relation transitively to link the
two. Supply the super-classifier to this operation which
will return true when the receiver inherits from the argument.
init():Classifier |
To initialise a classifier, initialise the operations, the parents
and run super.
initConstraints():Element | No Documentation Specified |
initOperations():Element |
Initialise all the operations.
initParents():Element |
Initialise the parents of a classifier. When the compiler encounters
a package of definitions it turns references into operations that
return the references when they are called with no arguments. This is
the mechanism by which mutual recursion is implemented. The dereferencing
occurs by delaying the mutual recursion in the body of the operations;
the compiler will have compiled the references in the body of the operation
as an appropriate lookup in the containing namespace. It is therefore
important that namespaces such as classifiers and classes, and elements
that reference things in namespaces such as attributes and operations
are initialised. The initialisation is fairly simple since the compiler
has done all the work: initialisation just calls the operation which then
performs the delayed reference.
initialized():Boolean | No Documentation Specified |
invoke(target:Element,args:Seq(Element)):Element |
A classifier is invoked to (by default) initialise itself
with respect to some arguments. This is the preferred way
for classifiers to be instantiated.
javaTypeName(package:Package):String | No Documentation Specified |
mapType(type:Element,nameSpaces:Seq(NameSpace)):Element | No Documentation Specified |
new():Element |
'new/0' is defined by classifiers to create a new instance.
The default behaviour returns the default value.
new(args:Seq(Element)):Element |
'new/1' takes a sequence of initialisation arguments.
It calls 'new/0' to create the new instance and then calls
'init/1' with the initialisation arguments.
remove(n:NamedElement):Classifier |
'remove/1' removes a named element from a classifier.
This is the preferred way of removing an element. It causes
the named element to be removed from the namespace of the element (i.e.
the contents table) and also removes operations and constraints from
the appropriate slots. Sub-classes of Classifier should exte-nd this as
appropriate, but should call this via 'super'.
removeConstraint(c:Constraint):Classifier | No Documentation Specified |
removeOperation(o:Element):Classifier | No Documentation Specified |
removeParent(parent:Element):Element | No Documentation Specified |
repopulate(namedElement:Element):Boolean | No Documentation Specified |
sendInstance(element:Element,message:Element,args:Element):Element |
Part of the MOP. Redefine this in sub-classes to handle special
message passing protocols.
shadowOperation(op:Element):Element | No Documentation Specified |
target():Element |
Returns the target to be used when a classifier is
From NameSpace: writeEcore, lift, allHTMLEntries, allHTMLPackages, toHTML, toHTMLDoc, resolveNameClash, remove, putElement, newName, names, nameChanged, initBindings, init, init, getInstantiableClasses, getContents, define, getElement, hasElement, add, addBinding, hasBinding, removeBinding, redefine. From IndexedContainer: removeContentDaemon, indices, initContents, index, init, contents, contentDaemons, addContentDaemon, add, add, remove. From NamedElement: href, toString, setName, repopulate, pathSeq, path, name, getNamedElement. From DocumentedElement: setDoc, doc, ensureDoc. From Container: untraceAll, traceAll, removeContentDaemon, remove, initContents, init, includes, deleteRecursive, contentsThat, contentsOf, contents, contentDaemons, checkConstraints, checkConstraints, allContentsThat, allContentsOf, allContents, addContentDaemon, add. From Contained: owner, deleteRecursive, allOwners, addTo, setOwner, removeFromOwner. From Object: slotMissing, slotMissing, setProperty, setHotLoad, setDaemonsActive, setDaemons, set, renameSlot, removeStructuralFeature, removeDaemonsWithTarget, removeDaemonsWithId, removeDaemonNamed, removeDaemon, machineInit, initSlots, init, hotLoaded, hotLoad, hasSlot, hasProperty, getProperty, get, hasStructuralFeature, getStructuralFeatureNames, hasDaemonWithTarget, hasDaemonWithIdAndTarget, hasDaemonWithId, hasDaemonNamed, fire, destroyDaemon, daemonWithIdAndTarget, daemonWithId, daemonNamed, daemonsActive, daemons, allDaemonsWithTarget, allDaemonsWithId, compositeValues, allCompositeValuesAndSelf, allCompositeValues, addStructuralFeature, addPersistentDaemon, addMultiDaemon, addDaemon. From Element: pprint, pprint, pprint, writeXMLFile, writeXMLFile, writeXML, lift, toSnapshot, toSnapshot, allHTMLEntries, allHTMLPackages, toHTML, writeHTML, writeHTML, writeHTMLAllEntries, writeHTMLAllPackages, writeHTMLIndex, writeHTMLOverview, yield, toString, systemId, setOf, send, save2, save, removeDaemon, removeDaemon, println, print, oclIsKindOf, oclIsTypeOf, noOperationFound, isTypeOf, isReallyKindOf, init, init, of, isKindOf, addTo, checkConstraints, copy, deleteRecursive, die, edit, equals, error, ferror, hashCode.