Classes |
Array | No Documentation Specified |
Attribute |
An attribute is a structural feature of a class. It defines the
name and type of a slot of the instances of the class. When the
class is instantiated, a new object is created and a slot is added
for each attribute defined and inherited by the class. Each slot
is initialised to contain the default value for the type of the
corresponding attribute.
Constructor: Attribute(name,type)
The name is a string and the type is a classifier.
BasicArray | No Documentation Specified |
BehaviouralFeature |
A behavioural feature is a typed element that can be invoked.
Typically a behavioural feature is an operation.
Bind |
A binding is a named value.
Constructor: Bind(name,value)
Constructs a binding, the name is a string and the value is
any element.
Buffer | No Documentation Specified |
Class |
A class is a classifier with structural features (i.e. attributes).
Instances of classes are always objects with slots for the attributes
of the class. A class is instantiated using the 'new/0' and 'new/1'
operations (inherited from Classifier). The former takes no initialization
arguments whereas the latter takes a sequence of initialization arguments.
The preferred way of instantiating a class is by applying it as an
operator to the initialization arguments, as in C() or C(1,2,3). This
instantiates the class and calls 'init/1' on the resulting instance.
Typically classes will redefine 'init/1' to initialize new instances
on a class-by-class basis. Typically you will create a class using the
@Class ... en-d notation.
Classifier |
A classifier is a name space for operations and constraints. A classifier
is generalizable and has parents from which it inherits operations and
constraints. A classifier can be instantiated via 'new/0' and 'new/1'. In
both cases the default behaviour is to return a default value as an instance.
If the classifier is a datatype then the basic value for the datatype is
returned otherwise 'null' is returned as the default value. A classifier can
also be applied to arguments (0 or more) in order to instantiate it. Typically
you will not create a Classifier directly, but create a class or an instance
of a sub-class of Class.
CodeBox |
A CodeBox contains compiled code that can be executed on the XMF VM.
Collection |
The root class for all collection types.
CompiledOperation |
CompiledOperation is the type of all XMF compiled operations. A compiled
operation can be invoked using 'invoke/2' or by applying it to its arguments.
A compiled operation consists of machine code instructions. A compiled
operation may be associated with its source code to aid debugging.
Constraint |
A constraint is a named boolean expression owned by a classifier. Constraints
are defined by classifiers to be performed with respect to their instances and
as such any occurrences of 'self' in a constraint will refer to the instance
that is being checked.
ConstraintReport |
A constraint report is produced by sen-ding a classify message
to an element or a check constraints message to a classifier.
A report is a tree structured element describing the constraints
that were performed and their outcomes. Note that internal
nodes of the tree may have dummy constraint reports used as
containers of sub-constraint reports. Such dummies have a
null constraint and an empty reason, but the satisfied boolean
is the conjunction of the sub-reports.
Constructor |
A constructor contains a code body that is invoked on instantiation of
a classifier.
Contained |
A contained element has an owner. The owner is set when the contained element is
added to a container. Removing an owned element from a container and adding
it to another container will change the value of 'owner' in the contained element.
Container |
A container has a slot 'contents' that is a table. The table maintains the
contained elements indexed by keys. By default the leys for the elements in
the table are the elements themselves, but sub-classes of container will
modify this feature accordingly. Container provides operations for accessing
and managing its contents.
Daemon |
Daemons monitor the state of objects and perform actions when the object changes
state. Daemon technology is the key to implementing a variety of modular reusable
tool architectures such as the observer pattern. XMF-Mosaic uses daemons extensively
to synchronize data across multiple tools. User defined tools can use daemons
to make tools reactive and to ensure data is always consistent.
DataType |
DataType is a sub-class of Classifier that designates the non-object
classifiers that are basic to the XMF system. An instance of DataType is
a classifier for values (the instances of the data type). For example
Boolean is an instance of DataType - it classifies the values 'true' and
'false'. For example Integer is an instance of DataType - it classifies
the values 1, 2, etc.
Doc |
A class used to represent documentation.
DocumentedElement |
A documented element has an attribute doc:Doc, which is used to store documentation
relating to the element. Any class that can be documented should specialize this class.
Element |
Element is the root class of the XMF type hierarchy. It has no super-classes.
Everything is an instance of Element. Operations defined on Element are
available to every data value in XMF. Use this as a type when you want to
use heterogeneous values (for example as the type of an attribute). An element
always has a classifier which is the value of the 'of/0' message. An element
can always be sent messages using 'sen-d/2' where the first argument is the
name of the message and the second argument is a sequence of message arguments.
Enum |
The enumerated data type. Create an instance of this class to
create a new named enumeration type. The names passed to the
constructor are the names of the unique elements of the
enumeration. On creation, the names are mapped to instances
of the new enumeration type and can be referenced via their name
using getElement (or ::).
EnumChoice | No Documentation Specified |
Exception |
An exception is raised when something goes wrong. An exception contains a
message that reports what went wrong. An exception also contains a sequence
of stack frames that defines the history of computation at the point the
exception was raised. An exception may optionally contain information
about where in the source file the error occurred. This is encoded as the
ForeignObject | No Documentation Specified |
ForeignOperation |
Provides an interface to operations written in external programming
languages, such as Java.
ForwardRef | No Documentation Specified |
IndexedContainer |
An indexed container is a class that manages a hashtable associating
keys with values. The Container::add/1 operation is implemented by
IndexedContainer to add the argument as both an index and a value. The
class IndexedContainer provides a 2-place operation for 'add' that
allows the index to be different from the value. Note that 'remove/1'
expects to be supplied with the index.
InitialisedAttribute | No Documentation Specified |
InterpretedOperation |
An interpreted operation is created when we evaluate an operation definition.
MachineException | No Documentation Specified |
NameSpace |
A name space is a container of named elements. A name space defines two
operations 'getElement/1' and 'hasElement/1' that are used to get an element
by name and check for an element by name. Typically a name space will contain
different categories of elements in which case the name space will place
the contained elements in its contents table and in a type specific collection.
For example, a class is a container for operations, attributes and constraints.
Each of these elements are placed in the contents table for the class and in
a slot containing a collection with the names 'operations', 'attributes';
and 'constraints' respectively. The special syntax '::' is used to invoke the
'getElement/1' operation on a name space.
NamedElement |
A named element is an owned element with a name. The name may be a
string or a symbol. typically we use symbols where the lookup of the name
needs to be efficient.
Object |
Object is the super-class of all classes with structural features in XMF.
Object provides access to slots via the 'get/1' and 'set/2' operations.
Object is the default super-class for a class definition - if you do not specify
a super-class then Object is assumed.
OpType | No Documentation Specified |
Operation |
Operation is the abstract super-class of all operations in XMF. An operation
can be compiled or interpreted. All operations have parameters, a return type
and a body. The body must be performable. An operation is invoked using
'invoke/2' where the first argument is the value of 'self' in the operation
body and the second argument is a sequence of parameter values.
OrderedContainer |
A container that wraps a collection of ordered elements.
Package |
XMF supports name spaces that contain collections of named elements. The
XCore class Package is used to structure collections of class and sub-package
definitions. XMF-Mosaic is structured as a tree of packages containing
definitions of all aspects of the system (including XCore). The root name
space is called Root; all XMF classes can be referenced via Root. Unlike
UML and MOF, XCore packages are subclasses of Class. They can therefore be
instantiated and can have operations, attributes and constraints.
Parameter |
A parameter is a typed element that occurs in operations.
Performable |
A performable element can be executed on the XMF VM. It must provide a
collection of operations that support its evaluation or its translation
into VM machine instructions. In particular it must support 'compile/4',
'FV/0', 'maxLocals/0' and 'eval/3'. Performable is the root class for
all extensions to executable XMF. For example OCL is a sub-class of
Performable. If you inte-nd to define your own languages in XMF then
they should exte-nd Performable.
Resource |
A resource records where the resource originated via a resource name.
For example a definition is a resource that records the file where it
was loaded from.
Seq |
Seq is a sub-class of DataType. All sequence data types are an instance of
Seq. Seq defines an attribute 'elementType' that is used to record the
type of the elements in a sequence data type.
Set |
Set is a sub-class of DataType. All set data types are an instance of
Set. Set defines an attribute 'elementType' that is used to record the
type of the elements in a set data type.
Snapshot | No Documentation Specified |
StructuralFeature |
This is an abstract class that is the super-class of all classes that
describe structural features. For example Attribute is a sub-class of
StructuralFeature. Other types of structural feature are possible by
managing the internal structure of objects via a MOP.
Table |
A table associates keys with values. Any element can be used as a key.
A table has an initial size and can support any number of values. Use 'hasKey/1'
to determine whether a table contains a key. Use 'get/1' to access a table
via a key and 'put/2' to update a table given a key and a value. Use 'keys/0'
to access the set of keys for a table.
Thread |
A thread is a unit of concurrent execution. When a thread is created, it
continues processing on the XVM until either it performs a read operation
that blocks on input or when it explicitly calls yield. All XOCL values
implement the yield operation. In both cases the thread is said to
yield control. When a thread yields control, the XOS schedules another
thread that is waiting. The scheduling algorithm aims to ensure that all
waiting threads get scheduled providing that they yield.
TypedElement |
A typed element is a named element with an associated type. The type is
a classifier. This is an abstract class and is used (for example) to define
UnorderedContainer |
A container that wraps a collection of unordered elements.
Vector |
A vector is a fixed length array of elements. They are created using
the constructor Vector(). Vectors provide very efficient
insert ('put/2') and lookup operations ('ref/1').